E. Jay Matsler Trust for Historic Preservation
Long-time Lubbock resident and former Lubbock Area Foundation Board Member, E. Jay Matsler passed away on December 31, 2013. Upon his death, Mr. Matsler gave significant gifts to the Lubbock Area Foundation, the Museum at Texas Tech University and the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum. A presentation of these gifts were made by Mr. Matsler’s family at a special Tribute Event on June 14, 2014 at the Charles Adams Special Projects Gallery in Lubbock, Texas. A number of pieces from his extensive private collection were also on display, including paintings by Mr. Matsler.
Mr. Matsler’s gift to Lubbock Area Foundation reflects his roots as the child of a Hale County pioneer family and avid supporter of historic preservation. The E. Jay Matsler Trust was established with a bequest of $348,000 for the purpose of supporting historic preservation projects in Lubbock and Hale counties. The first grant from the E. Jay Matsler Trust will help the Lubbock Heritage Society to move the Arch Underwood Pullman Car to the Bayer Agricultural Museum. Moving this legendary train car is the first step in restoring the historic structure to its earlier glory and placing it on display as an interactive installation and educational experience for the benefit of the general public. Because of Mr. Matsler’s generosity, funding will be available from the E. Jay Matsler Trust every year for generations to come for a variety of important local historic preservation projects.