Mary Louise and Bill Kingsbery – 2016 Hero’s

On August 31, 2016, the Community Foundation of West Texas held its annual Hero’s Luncheon. This year the honorees included Mary Louise and Bill Kingsbery. Always low key, and never divulging their kind acts, Mary Louise and Bill Kingsbery changed the fabric and face of this community. With Bill’s awe-inspiring generosity and Mary Louise as the driving force to make this a better community, there are countless organizations that were recipients of their often anonymous giving. Among them are names now familiar to us: Breedlove Dehydrated Foods, South Plains Food Bank, Women’s Protective Services, Family Guidance and Outreach Center, The Bridge, My Father’s House, Family Promise, the Aulyene Breedlove Scholarship at TTUHSC, Silent Wings Museum, TTU International Cultural Center, the Jesus Fund, Second Baptist Church, and Prison Ministry.

Not only did Mary Louise and Bill help these South Plains agencies, the helped countless individuals receive anonymous health saving services for eye surgery, hip replacement surgery, dentures, or lost limbs. Always low key, always behind the scenes, never divulging their kind acts, Mary Louise and Bill changed the fabric and face of this community. Their love for children—all children—is synonymous with their deep spiritual faith. Walking as angels among us, they have radiated love—for each other and for humanity. While Mary Louise passed away in 2010, the breadth of their giving is amazing and enduring. Their unique humility and successful perseverance still resonates today with a perpetual ripple effect of their kindness and goodness.
Click here to see photos from the luncheon.