Welcome, 2018 Board Members!

The Community Foundation of West Texas is pleased to announce its 2018 Board of Directors.
“We’d like to welcome our 2018 board members and executive officers, all of whom are leaders within our community. We are proud they have joined our group and feel confident in the oversight these gracious leaders will provide.” - Stephen Warren, Community Foundation of West Texas President
2018 Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Chair - Cindy Whitehead
Chair-Elect - Tim Pridmore
Past Chair - Rodney Cates
Secretary/Treasurer - Greg Freeman
Investment Chair - James Conwright
Public Relations Chair - Norval Pollard
Donor Relations Chair - Tony Privett
Grants Chair - Diann Windham (Post-Garza County Endowment Affiliate)
Ann-Marie Carruth
Abel Castro
Carrie Ellis (Hockley County Endowment Affiliate)
Linda Gaither
Chad Grant
Christy Hartin
Natalie Inderman
Jeff Klotzman
Mont McClendon
Sandra Martinez
Mark Meurer (Slaton Area Endowment Affiliate)
Mary Myers
Don Rushing
Ted Rushing
Marisa Scheef
Mark Warren (Plainview Area Endowment Affiliate)
Karen Worley